What Is The Best Way To Determine The Amount Of Hcg?

One can test urine or blood to detect HCG. A blood test, however, is more reliable since it detects the hCG in smaller quantities.

There are two types of tests for blood that could be used to detect the presence of hCG.

A qualitative test will tell whether the blood is hCG-positive or not. It does not mean the amount of hCG present. It only says that it contains hCG.

The quantitative test, sometimes called a beta test, determines the amount of hCG in the blood. The results are presented in mIU/mL. This refers to milli-international units of HCG per millilitres of blood.

If you find hCG inside your urine, a test at home will reveal the possibility of pregnancy. You can pee on a strip of chemicals or place an amount of urine on an acid strip for an hCG urine test. Most urine tests conducted at home require greater levels of hCG to be considered positive.

Be aware that a low level of hCG does not reveal anything. It’s an instrument to detect the possibility of issues. When your physician is concerned about the status of hCG in your blood, the doctor will test it once more in about two to three weeks. Then, they’ll review the results to give you a better understanding of what’s happening regarding your pregnancy.

Posted in HCG