You may hear the term “breakout” used to define all forms of acne (pimple). But this is not always a correct description or definition. Not all types of acne or pimple spread across the skin.
Sometimes clogged pores cause acne itself. These may be attributed to:
Acne (pimple) is commonly related to hormonal fluctuations experienced during your teenage years, but adults can experience acne, too. About 20 million people in the USA have acne, making it one of the most common skin conditions or problems among both children and adults.
Identifying which types of acne (pimples) you have experienced or develop is key to successful treatment. Acne may be non inflammatory or inflammatory. Sub types of acne or pimples within these categories include:
It is possible to have multiple types of acne (pimple) at once- some cases may even be severe or serious enough to warrant a visit to the skincare professional. If you are concerned about your acne problem and do not already have a dermatologist, you can view a well physician or doctor in your locality through the healthcare tool.
The occasional pimple can be concealed. If used at all, over-the-counter cover-up creams and cosmetics, oral medicine or ointments should be water-based. Even if outbreaks of acne cannot be laminated, conventional treatment can provide relief.
The best acne or pimple treatment inhibits sebum production, limits bacterial development, encourages shedding of skin cells to unclog pores, or a newer treatment that blocks or prevents male hormones in the skin. Because many therapies or treatments can have some major or minor side effects, any patient with acne should proceed with caution when trying new options of treatment. People with any type of acne that lowers their self-esteem or makes them unhappy, depressed, lose self-confidence, those with acne that is leaving scars or people with severe, persistent cases of pimple, need the skincare professional.