Fluconazole: Treatment, Expert Advice & Precaution To Use

My Indian Pharmacy

Fluconazole is a treatment for severe yeast or fungal infections, such as vaginal candidiasis and oropharyngeal candidiasis (thrush or oral thrush), esophageal syphilis (candida esophagitis) and other candida-related diseases (including urinary tract, peritonitis (inflammation of the stomach’s lining as well as infections that could be found in various parts within the human body) as well as the fungal (cryptococcal) meningitis. The medicine kills the yeast or fungus or delays its growth.

Fluconazole is also used to stop candidiasis among patients with bone marrow transplants after receiving radiation or cancer treatment.

This medication is only available upon prescription by your doctor.

The drug is offered in these dosage types:

  • Tablet
  • Powder for Suspension

Advice For Fluconazole

  • The doctor you see is prescribing Fluconazole to treat your infection and ease symptoms.
  • Don’t skip any dose, and complete the entire course of treatment even when you are feeling better.
  • Utilize a reliable contraception method to avoid the possibility of pregnancy while taking this medication.
  • Your doctor will examine your liver function before starting treatment and then regularly afterwards. Tell your doctor if you observe a change in the eyes’ colour or your skin, dark urine or stomach discomfort.
  • Contact your physician if you suffer from severe skin rashes like skin blisters and fever.

Before Using Fluconazole

When deciding whether to take a medication, one must evaluate the potential risks of using the drug against the good it will bring. It is a choice you, as well as your physician, make. To determine the appropriate medicine, it is essential to take the following into taken into consideration:


Discuss with your physician If you’ve ever experienced an unusual or unrelated reaction to this medication or other medications. Be sure to inform your health specialist if you suffer from any other allergies, for example, to dyes, foods or preservatives. You may also be allergic to animals. For non-prescription medications, look over the label or the ingredients on the package carefully.


Studies that are appropriate up to now have not found specific problems for children that could restrict the efficacy of fluconazole for children between 6 months and 13 years old. However, efficacy and safety have not been proven for children under 6 months old.


The studies have not revealed specific geriatric issues that could hinder the effectiveness of fluconazole for the older. However, older patients tend to develop kidney diseases that result from age. This might require adjusting the dose of patients taking fluconazole.


Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough studies done on women to reliably assess the potential danger to nursing infants from using this medicine.Consider the benefits and the risks that could be associated with taking this medication when nursing.