Docetaxel Injections – To Treat Breast Cancer

Docetaxel injections are used to treat metastatic or advanced (cancer that has progressed) breast cancer in patients that previously took other chemotherapy drugs which did not work. It is combined with other medications (e.g., cyclophosphamide or doxorubicin) to treat breast node-positive cancer that is removed through surgery.

Docetaxel injections can also be used for treating metastatic or advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) for patients who have had chemotherapy using platinum which did not work. One can also use cisplatin to treat metastatic or advanced NSCLC that one cannot treat surgically in patients without cancer treatment. Lung cancer.

Docetaxel injections are also administered with prednisone to treat metastatic prostate cancer resistant to castration (prostate cancer that has developed and is in opposition to surgical or medical treatments that reduce testosterone).

Docetaxel injections are also administered with fluorouracil and cisplatin for treating advanced stomach cancer (e.g., gastric adenocarcinoma, gastric junction adenocarcinoma) for patients who haven’t had cancer treatment for advanced cancer.

Docetaxel injections can also be used alongside fluorouracil and cisplatin as the first treatment option for advanced squamous cell cancer of the neck and head (SCCHN).

Docetaxel is part of the class of medications known as antineoplastic (cancer drugs). It hinders the growth of cancerous cells later removed by your body. Because average cell growth can influence the development of cancer cells with docetaxel, additional unwanted effects can be observed.

One should administer the medication only under the supervision of your physician.