Information Regarding Desogestrel (0.15 Mg) and Ethinylestradiol (0.02 Mg)

Desogestrel, combined with the hormone ethinylestradiol, can stop pregnancy. It’s an effective birth control pill that eliminates the possibility of becoming pregnant. It contains two hormones in it, namely desogestrel and estradiol. It prevents the development of a woman’s egg to its fullest potential each month. The egg won’t be able to take in sperm anymore. Therefore, fertilization (pregnancy) isn’t possible.

No method of birth control can be guaranteed to work all the time. Methods for birth control that are more efficient than birth control pills comprise performing procedures to become sterile or not having sexual relations. Discuss with your doctor birth control options.

The medicine is not able to protect the patient from HIV or other illnesses which are transmitted by sexual contact. Emergency birth control would not be reasonable if you had sexual contact without protection.

It is only possible to get the medication with a prescription from your physician.

There are a variety of doses to choose from with this product:


Before Using Femilon 0.02 + 0.15 Mg: Need to Take Precautions

One must consider the benefit it could accomplish when deciding whether to take medication against the potential associated risks. You and your physician will determine what to do. In the case of the medication, take into consideration the following factors:


Inform your doctor If you’ve ever experienced an unusual or allergic reaction to this or any other medication. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you are allergic to other substances, such as dyes, foods or preservatives. You may also be allergic to animals. Look over the label or packaging carefully to learn what ingredients are in non-prescription medications.


Desogestrel and Ethinylestradiol haven’t been thoroughly studied in children to understand the effect of age on the mix. There aren’t any known issues with the medicine which would cause it to be less effective for teens. Teenagers can take the medicine to stop pregnancy; however, they shouldn’t take it before their menstrual cycle begins.


There need to be research studies on how age influences the effects of desogestrel and the ethinylestradiol combo in older people. One shouldn’t prescribe the medication to women over 65 years old.

Breastfeeding: Research on women who had their babies breastfed has proven detrimental to the baby. It would be best if you were offered alternative medications to take in place of the medication, or you should cease breastfeeding when you are taking the medication.