Treatment Of Parkinson’s Disease With Pramipexole

My Indian Pharmacy

One can treat Parkinson’s disease with pramipexole. One can take the medication on its own or in addition to others (e.g., levodopa). Parkinson’s disease symptoms can be alleviated by pramipexole, a dopamine agonist that acts on the central nervous system.

Restless Legs Syndrome is also treated with pramipexole (RLS). Leg discomfort is a common symptom of restless leg syndrome (RLS), a neurologic condition that disrupts normal sensory and motor function in the legs. As a result, you’ll have an overpowering want to adjust your leg position.

The medication requires a prescription from your medical provider.

Be Cautious with This One

One must weigh the potential benefits of treatment against any possible adverse side effects before deciding to use it. You and your doctor will have to resolve this. The medication requires the following thoughts:


If you have ever reacted to the medicine or other medicines, you should definitely inform your doctor. Let your doctor know if you have any food, colour, preservative, or animal-related sensitivities. Be sure you understand what you’re getting before you buy anything over-the-counter.

Age-related effects of pramipexole in children have not been adequately studied. There is no evidence of its safety or effectiveness.


Yet, pramipexole’s safety and efficacy in older patients have not been compromised by any adequate studies. However, one should use pramipexole caution in the elderly since they are more likely to experience hallucinations (perceiving sounds, sights, or sensations that are not present).

When it comes to the safety of the medicine for nursing infants, there just haven’t been enough studies done on women to make any firm conclusions. Before taking any drug while breastfeeding, ensure the benefits outweigh the dangers.

Concurrent Use of Multiple Drugs

While there are circumstances where one cannot use two treatments simultaneously due to an interaction, this is not always the case. Your doctor may adjust your dosage or take additional safety measures. When taking the medicine, your healthcare provider must know if you are taking any of the substances listed below. Not all possible interactions have been considered, but the ones below have been chosen for their potential impact.

One should not take the medication with the following drugs because of possible dangerous interactions. You may find that your doctor decides to switch up your pharmaceutical regimen or stop using this one altogether.


Combining the medication with the following drugs is not suggested unless necessary. Your doctor may alter the dosage or frequency of one or both medicines if administered together.

  • Haloperidol
  • Metoclopramide
  • Olanzapine

The following medications may increase your risk of experiencing specific adverse effects when combined with this, yet, the combination may be the best option for your therapy. Your doctor may adjust the dosage or frequency of one or both medications if they are both recommended.

It’s important to avoid taking your medication simultaneously or shortly before you eat certain foods because of the potential for adverse reactions. Interactions can also arise if you mix certain medications with alcoholic beverages or cigarette products. Inquire about taking your medicine with your doctor with food, drink, or cigarettes.